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How to Prove Your Injuries Were Caused During a Car Accident

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When you’re in a car accident that was the fault of someone else that caused you to sustain injuries, and you are interested in filing a car accident claim, you’ll want to be able to prove that the accident was the direct cause of your injuries. A car accident lawyer from Golden Law Office in Kentucky can help you with your claim. We’ll fully investigate what happened in the accident and compile all of your documents that prove your injuries were caused by the crash.

Documentation You’ll Need

Your car accident claim for injuries that you suffered in a collision hinges on proving that your injuries were caused by that accident, and not something prior to the event. One aspect that’s crucial to your claim is that you don’t downplay your injuries. If you say you’re okay after an accident even though you’re in pain, or because your adrenaline is masking your pain in the moment, then that could hinder your case later because it contradicts your claims of an injury.

After proving the other party’s negligence and how it directly caused the wreck, we’ll work on proving that your injuries were directly caused by the accident and weren’t pre-existing conditions or sustained before the accident. Here are some documents we will use to build your case:

  • Accident report. Photos from the scene, witness information, and the police report of the accident will all help put together the full picture of what happened in your accident. By pinning down exactly what happened, the easier we can show how you could have sustained your specific injuries from the accident.
  • Relevant medical history. We won’t need access to your full medical history, but it could be helpful to pull some medical records to prove that you didn’t have pre-existing conditions, or you didn’t have these injuries prior to the date and time of the accident. Looking at your medical history from after the accident will give a firm date for when your symptoms started and your diagnosis.
  • Medical bills. Your medical bills help prove your injury was directly caused by your accident. Projected long-term costs can also help here because they show how the rest of your life was impacted by the accident.
  • Doctor and specialist records. Your records that show you have been to the hospital, a primary care doctor, or a specialist show that you have been examined and are trying to treat the injuries as best as you can. By keeping appointments and going to them, you show that the injuries you sustained are real and need treatment.

Did You Have Pre-Existing Conditions?

Pre-existing conditions can make proving your injuries were from a car accident more complicated. If you didn’t have pre-existing conditions before your car accident, then your medical records will prove that the injuries surfaced after the collision and were a direct result.

However, if you did have pre-existing conditions, that can either help or hurt your case, depending on what your records show and what your doctors say. But if the collision made your pre-existing conditions worse, then all of the documents above could prove that.

Golden Law Office Will Fight for You

Proving that your injuries were from a car accident can be complex and requires a lot of documentation, but this will help you recover what you deserve for those injuries. When the collision wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t be left to pay for the injuries that you sustained. A car accident attorney from Golden Law Office can answer all of your questions and help you navigate the complexities of an auto wreck claim.

At Golden Law Office, we understand that injuries from a car accident can leave you feeling vulnerable. That’s why we will handle your claim with care—so you can feel comfortable and confident in your claim. Contact us today so we can get started on getting you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Contact Us

Golden Law Office, PLLC
771 Corporate Dr #800
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: (859) 469-5000
Fax: 859-469-5001
Email: info@goldenlawoffice.com